On Friday 09 Nov 2001 12:11, DownloadFAST.com wrote:
> >Considering the features you want (IIRC you only mentioned the
> >default values in tables) - why don't you try PostgreSQL instead?
> My understanding is it is much slower.

That is what I am hoping for. Or rather, I am hoping that MySQL proves to be 
signifficantly faster, as that is the main reason for the migrtion I am 
testing at the moment.

> But the more important thing that has been learned here, is to find out
> what kind of people are in the community.  Because one can learn a lot
> about the future direction and success based on the people who are
> involved.

Indeed. All the MySQL developers who bothered responding to this thread 
completely stayed out of the somewhat heated discussion that we have recently 
been having. IMHO, that indicates a great amount of self-control and patience 
- all of which speak only the best for the MySQL development effort.

> And what I learned is that some (I don't know what % yet) are very
> dogmatic, closed-minded, intolerant, rude, unprofessional, and down right
> blood thirsty.  Not the kind of people I would want to contribute to or be
> a part of.

I think you may be (although I am not sure what particular responses have 
made you form that opinion) mistaking in your identification of the actual 
developers. As I am quite happy to confess, I am not a developer/contributor 
to the MySQL project - I just use it. I just wasn't happy with the way you 
attacked them, for no (IMHO) particularly good reason. This is not 
specifically related to any particular development effort. So, if you have a 
disagreement with my opinion, it would be a good idea not to make the mistake 
of assuming that is how the actual developers/contributors feel as well. I am 
sure it wasn't necessary for me to point this out, but I don't want my 
argument with you to be responsible for any sort of grudge against any of the 
hard working MySQL developers.

> And I also learned that MySQL has a license which says we can take their
> great work, and basically resell it and use it to make a profit for
> ourselves, as long as we give back any source code changes.

Indeed - a growing number of companies are trying to do this sort of thing 
with other GPLed developments.

> In 3.23 they basically stabilized all the major issues for a typical
> low-end web database.  So really the thing is there for the taking, if one
> wanted to just focus on a small set of goals.  It may not be me, but
> someone else my have already started on that business opportunity.

The problem is - what happnes when/if you start needing extra features that 
are not easy to just patch in? Personally, I would handle such minor lack of 
features in a database at the application level. When it comes to default 
values, I know I could handle that in just about all of my applications by 
fairly minor modifications to my code. In fact, that may well be what I will 
have to do to some extent when porting from PostgreSQL to MySQL. If nothing 
else, it seems like a much easier and quicker fix to the problem (or at least 
it is when your code is tidy) than insisting that a new feature be 
implemented, especially if it can be handled at the application level.

In the end, I think we have come full circle here. The only way to really 
protect your investment is to take over all of the software development, and 
have a definite say in what happens. It just seems a little to excessive to 
fork off the whole project, when a patch to either MySQL or your application 
may well be the far less time consuming option...

> I really did not want to learn the source.

I can certainly relate to that. But the alternatives often come to the rescue 
in that case.

> I have too many other things to
> do.  But if I have to learn the source to protect my investment, then I
> might as well do action and not beg people who I do not like.

That is a reasonable point, even if it may not be the most "efficient" (for 
want of better word) way do handle the problem. A slightly more cooperative 
attitude would have been much more likely to produce better results with less 

> The best way to erase all this noise and measure who is smarter, is in the
> competitive arena.

Open source arena is both cooperative and competitive - that is why it works.

Good luck with your forking efforts.



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