Interesting story. We run Windows 200 servers, and we axed MSSQL and CF/ASP.
i would (and do) run php even on a windows box. i guess the only problem it
brings is no stored procedures, and people freak out if they don't have that
enterprise interface. oh well. mySQL runs better even on a win32 platform

-----Original Message-----
From: Nally, Tyler G. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 2:52 PM
Subject: RE: Coldfusion?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andy Ingham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> We've been running Cold Fusion with MySQL on the Solaris platform for
> almost two years now and have had such terrible problems with Cold
> Fusion errors that we have begun the process of migrating to 
> PHP.   Our
> average load has been about 30,000 .cfm pages (linked to 
> MySQL backend)
> served per week, which I don't consider to be too heavy a 
> load to expect
> the system to handle successfully.  Unfortunately, our log files are
> riddled with fatal Cold Fusion errors and subsequent restarts.  It got
> so bad that we had to institute a cron job to check for the 
> happiness of
> the CF processes every 3 minutes and restart them if there was a
> problem.

Oh boy... I'll confirm that as well.  I previously worked
at Macmillan Computer Publishing ( when I wrote
"The Personal Bookshelf" and migrated that application from
cgi-bin/perl and dbm arrays to Cold Fusion/Oracle all on

It was CF version 4.  And it was really bad.  In a development
environment where there is limited access, and the machine
load is relatively low, it's no problem.  Yet, the webstats
were saying we had approximately 8,000 users using the Personal
Bookshelf at any one time, so it was going to be put under a
heavy load once it is in production.  Such happened and CF
really really choked.  The machine suffered under a really
high *load*.  Typically above 90%.  The sysadmins joked that
the machine was working so hard it was glowing in the corner.
We optimized the code over the course of a couple of weeks
scruitinizing the CF markup for more efficient ways to do things
in order to get it down to a load.  We got the load down to
between 60-70% as I remember, which was still too high.  Not
only was the machine at an unusually high load, but the CF
server would die periodically between every 10-45minutes.  The
sysadmins eventually wrote a script to check the health of the
CF server instance that'd run every 3 minutes to determine 
whether or not it should restart CF automtically.  It was a
really bad situation. 

We talked with Allaire and they couldn't believe the problems 
we had with CF on Solaris.  At the time, Allaire said that we 
had the largest *nix based CF application on the www with a 
Sun Ultra with 4 GB of RAM tied to a pretty heavy amount of 
disk space, etc.  We provided them with database schema's, 
data, and our code ... and let them try it out.  They did.
And they confirmed everything we had said...even in their
environment.  They said the design of the database and the
coding of the pages didn't contribute to the poor performance
of the CF engine.  Ultimately, they said they couldn't help
us because the thing in CF that was causing all of the problems
(they said) was a simulated windows registry that CF requires
in order to operate.  They said that we were also suffering 
from a lot of errors where CF would loose database connections
and not keep threads alive like they would in a non-*nix
environment without a heavy load.  They had no answers for us 
at all.  They suggested that it be monitored constantly so that
the application stays running as much as possible.

When I heard about "the simulated registry" for *nix servers built
into CF, I nearly hit the roof!  I couldn't hardly believe it.

That was a couple of years ago, and CF has went from 4 --> 4.5 
--> 5.  Under a windows environment, it's probably pretty good.
Under *nix (Solaris in my experience) it really left much to
be desired.  I'd avoid it and stick with php on Solaris any day.

Tyler Nally 
    __           _                                Tyler Nally
   / /__  ____ _(_)___  ____   ____  _________ _  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  / / _ \/ __ `/ / __ \/ __ \ / __ \/ ___/ __ `/  317-860-3016
 / /  __/ /_/ / / /_/ / / / // /_/ / /  / /_/ /   American Legion Website
/_/\___/\__, /_/\____/_/ /_(_)____/_/   \__, /
       /____/                          /____/   

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