Actually, I think you are not quite right in all respects. but feel free to correct me 
if I am wrong....

Somebody, or some entity still needs to hold the copyright of a product.

How that entity chooses to sell or distribute that product is up to them.

In this case MySQL AB is the copyright holder.

They have a fast, highly reliable product which meets the need of the majority of 
web-developers (and other developers).

It is not as feature rich as, say Interbase or MSSQL Server.

(I would love triggers and stored procedures, so that I can store business logic in 
the RDBMS)

This is my interpretation (after clarification from MySQL, and ), of 
MySQL's licence: 

If a product is inherrently tied to using MySQL, i.e. without MySQL it would need 
re-development, alteration, or would not work. And you are profiting from the sale of 
that product, then MySQL insist a license should be purchased.

If the product is DB Agnostic or if the product is open-source and is distributed 
under GPL, then it doesn't need a license.

Basically, if you profit from MySQL's work, they want a very modest fee for there 
effort (much cheaper then other traditionally commercially available RDBMS.)



 >>  I'm not here to slag MySQL, but this point is extremely interesting.

 >>  Benjamin Pflugmann wrote:
 >>  > Aehem. There seems to be some misconception here. Either your program
 >>  > is fine with MySQL being GPL or not.
 >>  >
 >>  > If it is (and your forking example would work for you) either by using
 >>  > MySQL in a way that your program is not required to be GPL'ed or by
 >>  > GPL'ing your program, you need no commercial license from MySQL AB
 >>  > either, and you can already distribute your program with MySQL without
 >>  > the need of a fork or whatever.
 >>  >
 >>  > Or your program needs a commercial license, than forking MySQL would
 >>  > not help, because you still have to adhere to the GPL. The only reason
 >>  > MySQL AB can hand out a commercial license is because they are also
 >>  > the Copyright holders, which you aren't even after forking.

 >>  There is also some middle ground here.  Which is the overlap of the two. 
 >>  Where the user (me) wants to use a OSS DBMS, is happy to forward the 
 >>  source code, inform the customer of the GPL licence etc.

 >>  But at the same time produce a commercial application which then uses 
 >>  this installed DBMS server/client, without effecting the GPL package.

 >>  MySQL say that this is an extension of the application, and therefore 
 >>  breaks the GPL, and therefore a licence is needed.  They are however, 
 >>  the only big GPL user who thinks this way.  I note for example the 
 >>  number of companies selling commercial CGI software designed to run on 
 >>  Apache, server/client, to which no licence is mandatory.  Also Sendmail, 
 >>  GCC, other DBMS's, and indeed GNU/Linux it's self.

 >>  None of these very large groups consider a licence *mandatory* for use 
 >>  when supporting a commercial application.  I use the term 'mandatory', 
 >>  they may still choose to purchase a licence.  If they did insist on a 
 >>  licence, a very large number of very large companies would have to 
 >>  withdraw a very large number of products.  Eg, IBM who use Sendmail to 
 >>  support their commercial email servers.

 >>  Therefore, I can see no reason why not somebody could fork MySQL into 
 >>  FreeSQL.  It would take a few hours at SorceForge, a 'sed' of MySQL into 
 >>  FreeSQL', and a good posting to Slashdot.  Keep it 100% GPL without 
 >>  breaking either the wording or the spirit of the document.  Remove all 
 >>  reference to copyright material belonging to MySQL.  It's either GPL or 
 >>  cpryright, not both.   Then use this without commercial licence...

 >>  BTW, as to another posting.  'Either accept the GPL or purchase a 
 >>  licence'.  I do note another option (apart from forking):  Use something 
 >>  else.  Is MySQL really that good?  I do worry that with arrogant 
 >>  statements like this, this is exactly what people will do, in droves. 
 >>  If that's okay with you, well...

 >>  >
 >>  > HTH,
 >>  >
 >>  >     Benjamin.
 >>  >

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