Anyone familiar with the GUI interface for MySQL/PHP called 'phpMyAdmin'?

I'm at a point in my intensive self-study via books, tutorials, and exercises where one of the books I'm working with--trying to tie together with my graphical HTML editor--Dreamweaver: PHP Development--suggests phpMyAdmin is worth knowing as a tool for more efficient work in a production environment.

When I get phpMyAdmin to show up in my browser, it looks pretty much the way the book shows it. Except that, after a few lines that are word-for-word with the book, in place of

[bullet] Run SQL query/queries on ...

and a flexible field in which to type in said queries, I have an error message:

[bullet] Error
The additional Features for working with linked Tables have been deactivated.
To find out why, click here.

Clicking 'here' brings me to a link to 'Documentation' and a line underneath saying 'General relation features Disabled'. Clicking on 'Documentation' brings me to what looks vaguely like directions for altering various '$cfg' strings.

Needless to say, I'm leery. I'm not certain where to find these strings to alter. But more importantly, I'm not clear on what I'm being told to do. It's not as if the directions are step-by-step for a novice. And it doesn't spell out whether this will address the 'General features' being 'Disabled'. That is, will it make these 'General features' functional?

May I ask your help in doping this out?

Thank you.

Steve Tiano

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