Carsten Pedersen wrote:

Quick words of introduction before you read on: I'm the MySQL AB
Certification Manager :-)

Glad to meet you!

Balance: A good exam will test both skill AND knowledge -- knowing how
to change the table type from MyISAM to InnoDB is knowledge -- realizing
when and why to do it is skill. And the two complement each other.

Absolutely. I don't mean to suggest that testing knowledge is inappropriate, but syntax questions are a pet peeve of mine because the level of knowledge involved is both shallow and not that important -- in practice, a working professional has a manual and syntax summary readily available and it doesn't take long to look up such information.

Skill-proving questions have many
advantages; letting the candidate answer them quickly is not one of

Excellent point. But again, some knowledge is not just syntax.

Finally, as Mike also points out, the people that I see complaining
about the lack of skill testing are obviously long-time users very
proficient in MySQL,

Heh. I'm a MySQL newbie. (But I have twenty years of experience with RDBMSs <g>).

Excellent discussion, by the way.

Bruce Feist
(retired database instructor / courseware designer)

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