Windows 2000, Version 5.0 (build 2195, Service Pack 2) (In case it
matters, I have about 20 GB available on my 40GB hard drive and 192MB of


Prior to attempting to put on the second server, I wasn't using any
options, which was logging me in as [EMAIL PROTECTED] (or more likely
[EMAIL PROTECTED]), later I invoked mysql as follows:  mysql -h localhost -u
root to log in as the root.  If you see my treads I was having problems
with building temporary tables and was advised to set up a root user,
turned out one was set up with the installation so I began using it.).

When I started attempting to set up the multiple versions, Victoria
Reznichenko directed me to the user manual and was attempting to set it
up that way.  I shut down the original mysql server and installed the
mysql in the "4.1 Alpha" folder group with the option mysqld-nt
--install mysqld2 which was referenced per the manual in a file called
"my.cnf" as follows:

# options for mysqld2 service
basedir = C:/mysql-4.0.14
port = 3308
socket = mypipe2

It installed with no errors.  Then it instructed I startup the servers
as follows:

NET START mysqld2

when I did that I got the response:

"The MySQL service started succesfully."


"The mysqld2 service started succesfully."


But when I attempt to invoke MySQL the response is: "ERROR 2003:  Can't
connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)"

(BTW.  When I came in today I found out that I could no longer connect
to 4.1.0 either.  When I left last night, I could connect to 4.1.0, but
could no longer connect to 4.0.13.  According to windows explorer the
database files are still there, but for some reason mySQL can no longer
point to them.)

How I'm running the servers:  they are services in Windows.  Though I
had nothing to do with that.  The setup/install utility handled that for
4.0.13.  Do I have to give them a unique name for 4.1.0 so Windows can
distinguish 4.1 from 4.0?

Better detail?  Thanks for not giving up on me!


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul DuBois [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 12:59 PM
To: Degan, George E, JR, MGSVC
Subject: RE: Can run two versions of MySQL in Windows 2000?

At 6:32 -0500 7/23/03, Degan, George E, JR, MGSVC wrote:
>I'm sorry, I'm very new at this.  I only downloaded the live version
>last week.  Where do I find the setting you are referring to?  By
>attempt to run the servers, perhaps this is a correct answer to your
>question:  I am only using this for learning purposes.  I am hoping to
>attain new skills and thought that SQL was a good place to start (since
>I believe it to be the base for many database languages (DBIV (or
>whatever version they're up to today, Oracle, Sybase, Peoplesoft, etc.)
>and perhaps if I lose my job this will broaden my choices in looking
>a new position/career.  If this is not a correct answer to your
>question, please clarify.

It's not.  I'll attempt to rephrase my questions.  However, I will also
suggest that if, as you say, you're very new at this, attempting to run
multiple servers before you are comfortable with running a single server
is not likely to be very easy.

re: your setup: What version of Windows do you have?

re: your settings: What options are you using to start the servers?
(for example, are you passing options on the command line or storing
them in an option file? If an option file, which one and what do its
contents look like?)

re: how you're running the servers: What command do you use to invoke
the servers?  Are you starting them from the command line, or installing
them as services and running them that way?

It is a good idea to explain exactly what you're doing, and to provide
any relevant error messages that occur. (By that I mean the text of the
error messages themselves -- not just a general description of the


>Finally, thank you, I will change the name of the folder as you
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Paul DuBois [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 4:42 PM
>To: Degan, George E, JR, MGSVC; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Subject: RE: Can run two versions of MySQL in Windows 2000?
>At 14:15 -0500 7/22/03, Degan, George E, JR, MGSVC wrote:
>>Thanks.  I have been fighting with this all afternoon, now it seems I
>>can get to 4.1.0 and not 4.0.13.  My databases still seem to be there
>>but I can't point to them either in mysql or in mysqlcc/DBManager.  I
>>guess I have moved port 3306 to the 4.1.0 database.  How do I name,
>>3307 as the 4.0.13 database?
>First, you're better off not installing 4.1 (or any version) in a
>with a pathname that contains spaces.  I suggest renaminng c:\4.1 Alpha
>to c:\4.1-Alpha.
>Second, tell us more about your setup.  You're asking us to diagnose
>the problem with little more information than "it doesn't work".
>What are your settings?  How are you attempting to run the servers?
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Victoria Reznichenko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 12:00 PM
>>Subject: Re: Can run two versions of MySQL in Windows 2000?
>>"Degan, George E, JR, MGSVC" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>   I have been running 4.0.13 for several weeks now and though I'd
>>to test 4.1.0.  4.0.13 is under c:\MySQL.  I downloaded 4.1.0 under
>>c:\4.1 Alpha\MySQL.  When I try to launch mysql it brings me to the
>>version, how do I access the new one without killing the old one?  (I
>>have also tried putting 4.1.0 on a totally different machine and
>>to it also.)
>>Yes, you can find info about it at:
>  >

Paul DuBois, Senior Technical Writer
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

Are you MySQL certified?

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