My responses are "parenthesied" in the text below.

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul DuBois [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 2:56 PM
To: Degan, George E, JR, MGSVC
Subject: RE: Can run two versions of MySQL in Windows 2000?

At 13:01 -0500 7/23/03, Degan, George E, JR, MGSVC wrote:
>Windows 2000, Version 5.0 (build 2195, Service Pack 2) (In case it
>matters, I have about 20 GB available on my 40GB hard drive and 192MB
>Prior to attempting to put on the second server, I wasn't using any
>options, which was logging me in as [EMAIL PROTECTED] (or more likely

ODBC is the default user name that clients use on Windows.

(Thanks for the input)

>  later I invoked mysql as follows:  mysql -h localhost -u
>root to log in as the root.  If you see my treads I was having problems
>with building temporary tables and was advised to set up a root user,
>turned out one was set up with the installation so I began using it.).
>When I started attempting to set up the multiple versions, Victoria
>Reznichenko directed me to the user manual and was attempting to set it
>up that way.  I shut down the original mysql server and installed the
>mysql in the "4.1 Alpha" folder group with the option mysqld-nt
>--install mysqld2 which was referenced per the manual in a file called
>"my.cnf" as follows:
># options for mysqld2 service
>basedir = C:/mysql-4.0.14
>port = 3308
>socket = mypipe2

Okay.  You don't have any [mysqld] group for the other server, I take

But that configuration is odd. It appears to apply
to a 4.0.14 installation, yet you state that you're
using it for your 4.1 installation.

What installation directories are you now using for your two MySQL

(Sorry for the confusion, the my.cnf file had two parts to it, I only
copied the part about mysqld2, didn't realize the first one was
relevant.  Here is the entire file (I copied the previous one from the
manual, but I did actually run it with the correct directory names):

# options for default service (MySql)
basedir = C:/mysql
port = 3306
socket = mypipe1
#options for default service (mysqld2)
basedir = c:\4.1 Alpha\mysql
port = 3307
socket = mypipe2

It didn't seem to understand the line "enable-named-pipe" though as when
I tried running the following files:


basedir = C:/mysql
port = 3306
enable named-pipe
socket = mypipe1


basedir = c:\4.1 Alpha\mysql
port = 3307
socket = mypipe2

With these commands:

mysqld --defaults-file=C:\my-opts1.cnf
response:  mysqld:  ERROR: unknown option '--enable-named-pipe'

mysqld-max --defaults-file=C:\my-opts2.cnf
yesterday it gave a similar one to the above, though when I do it now it
030723 15:09:02  Error message file 'C:\mysql\share\english\errmsg.sys'
had only 237 error messages, but it should contain at least 255 error
messages.  Check that the above file is the right version for this
program!  030723 15:09:02 when I invoke it from the folder of the old
version. and:
mysqld-max:  Can't change dir to 'C:\4.1 Alpha\mysql\data\' (Errcode:2)
030723 15:15:06 Aborting
030723 15:15:06 mysqld-max: Shutdown Complete

again per instructions from the manual.  I have included the error
messages when I attempted them above.)

>It installed with no errors.  Then it instructed I startup the servers
>as follows:
>NET START mysql
>NET START mysqld2
>when I did that I got the response:
>"The MySQL service started succesfully."
>"The mysqld2 service started succesfully."

Okay, that looks good.  When you open the Services Manager, I assume
it shows lines for services named "MySQL" and "mysqld2" and that they
both have a status showing them to be running?

(Sorry, the "Services Manager"? I'm not sure what that is.)

>But when I attempt to invoke MySQL the response is: "ERROR 2003:  Can't
>connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)"

Okay.  What was the command you used here?

(just the same as before:  "mysql" or "mysql -h localhost -u root"

What happens if you use this command:

mysql -h localhost -P 3308

or this one:

mysql -h . -S mypipe2

(both give the following response: ERROR 2003: Can't connect to MySQL
server on 'localhost' (10061), and I tried several Ports, 3308, 3307,
3306, and 3309 in this order)

>(BTW.  When I came in today I found out that I could no longer connect
>to 4.1.0 either.  When I left last night, I could connect to 4.1.0, but
>could no longer connect to 4.0.13.  According to windows explorer the
>database files are still there, but for some reason mySQL can no longer
>point to them.)
>How I'm running the servers:  they are services in Windows.  Though I
>had nothing to do with that.  The setup/install utility handled that
>4.0.13.  Do I have to give them a unique name for 4.1.0 so Windows can
>distinguish 4.1 from 4.0?

Yes.  The Services Manager will show what the service names are.  You
want to shut them down, remove them, and then start over.  It may be
the presence of existing services is what's messing things up.

(How do I invoke the "Services Manager"?)
To stop the services (assuming service names of svc-name-1 and

net stop svc-name-1
net stop svc-name-2

To remove them:

mysqld --remove svc-name-1
mysqld --remove svc-name-2

Then start from the beginning, using the mysqld --install instructions
in the manual.

(So I don't have to "Uninstall" them in windows since they are now
services?  Or does this have the same effect?)
>Better detail?  Thanks for not giving up on me!

Yes, much better detail.  Thanks.

(Again, thanks for all the help!!}

Paul DuBois, Senior Technical Writer
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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