> Mysterious.  I assume `mysql -p` prompts you for root's password and
> works as expected, since without -p it says you're not using a password,
> rather than saying there's something wrong with the password.
Yes, that works.

> When you tried the defaults-file option, did you use the full path?
> That is,
>  mysql --defaults-file=/private/var/root/.my.cnf

> My best guess at this point is that mysql is not finding .my.cnf.
> Perhaps there's a problem with root's $HOME environment variable?  For
> example, I'm using Mac OS X 10.2.8.  Root's $HOME says /var/root, but as
> /var is a symlink to /private/var, the real home directory is
> /private/var/root.  That's fine, as long as the symlink is there.
> Without the symlink, I'd get the same thing as you from mysql (and a lot
> of other stuff wouldn't work).
cat $HOME/.my.cnf

/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql --defaults-file=$HOME/.my.cnf
ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)

> If this is not the case, using `cat $HOME/.my.cnf` should give the same
> result you got using the full path.

> You could also simply `echo $HOME`
> to see if it's set correctly.
echo $HOME

> The only other thing I can imagine is that mysql is somehow set to
> ignore the defaults files.  Did you build from source or install one of
> the packages?  Which version mysql?  Which OS?
Mac OS 10.2.3. Maybe Panther has an issue with the build?

/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -V
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql  Ver 12.21 Distrib 4.0.14, for apple-darwin6.4

> Randall Perry wrote:
>> on 11/13/03 3:57 PM, Michael Stassen at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> The client (mysql) reads the .my.cnf file when you start it, so
>>> restarting mysqld and relogging in as root are not necessary.
>>> Let's see if I have this straight: While logged in as root, you created
>>> .my.cnf in root's home directory.  This file contains the password for
>>> the mysql user "root".  Yes?  Did you make sure the file was readable
>>> only by root (`chmod 600 .my.cnf` would do the trick)?
>> Permissions are correct. Here's a cat of the file with password changed:
>> # cat /private/var/root/.my.cnf
>> [client]
>> password="rootpassword"
>>> Since I'm not sure exactly what happened, I don't know why this didn't
>>> work for you.  When you say nothing works, do you mean you cannot
>>> connect via mysql interactively, or your cron job doesn't work?  What
>>> error did you get?
>>> If you haven't already, try running mysql.  Do you get in, or do you get
>>> "ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password:
>>> NO)", or do you get something else?
>> Yes, that's the error.
>>> If you don't get in, try
>>> mysql --defaults-file=/path/to/.my.cnf
>> That also doesn't work.
>>> If that works, then .my.cnf isn't in the right place.
>>> If mysql works interactively, but not via cron, then the problem to be
>>> fixed lies with cron.  What error do you get from cron?
>> Doesn't work at all.
>>> Michael
>>> Randall Perry wrote:
>>>> I created the .my.cnf file in root's home dir, added the directives below
>>>> setting the correct password. Restarted mysqld, re-logged in as root, but
>>>> nothing works. It's not getting the password.
>>>>> The simplest solution is to keep the password in the .my.cnf file in
>>>>> your home directory.  See http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/Option_files.html
>>>>> in the manual.
>>>>> In the case of root cron jobs then, you need a .my.cnf readable only by
>>>>> root in root's home.  It should include
>>>>> [client]
>>>>> password="mysql_root_password"
>>>>> As mysql reads the .my.cnf file, this avoids the ps "sniffing" problem,
>>>>> and also keeps the password out of the script.  Because you make the
>>>>> .my.cnf file readable only by root, other users can't see it.  (If they
>>>>> can see it, you've got bigger problems than just the mysql password).
>>>>> Michael

Randall Perry

Xserve Web Hosting/Co-location
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