Ian O'Rourke wrote:

I've been playing with MySQL for a bit now (and it is playing) and I'm using
it for a number of personal sites (ie not many users, and only I really post
stuff). I've also adopted it at work, and we use it to dump Lotus Domino
information into for more structured reporting. All is good.

In the near future we face making a decision for a database backend, and the
logical choice for us is MSSQL as we have one server already for Great
Plains - but it would seem MySQL is much cheaper. This would be a line of
business we application for around 200 people.

Obviously, the details are vague here, I was just wondering if anyone had
any stories, personal ones, rather than the press announcements, of adopting
MySQL for line of business, critical stuff - what it involved, how it went,
what issues they faced in getting it accepted and so on.

I'm genuinly interested.

We have most of our data in MySQL now.
Our main database has about 20 tables, the biggest one being 500,000 rows of telecommunications data. This database has about 30 concurrent users, all connecting via MS Access 2002. Access puts considerable load on databases, even with a small number of users. Actually the reason I got MySQL in the door to start with was because SQL Server was starting to barf on some tables that a lot of users had open at once. MySQL ( and InnoDB in particular ) handles Access quite well.
Our sales database has 4 people connecting via Access, and 3 people connecting through the web server.
We have a number of other special-purpose databases for importing customer's data that regularly get 1,000,000 rows of data dumped in them.
I've been slowly migrating our existing SQL Server database to MySQL, and am basically waiting on stored procedure support before I move our billing data ( we have some pretty complicated queries which use views & stored procedures to calculate billing info, which I _could_ do in MySQL, but would rather not until I have stored procedures ).
Our migration has gone without a hitch at all. The performance seems to be about twice that of SQL Server 7's, and more so in some cases where the query cache makes it up to 10x faster.
We are also running our web site: http://www.nusconsulting.com.au ( simple but effective ) off the same server - it's a LAMP server.
Anyway, I'd say go for it, but use the production version. I say this not because the 4.1.x line is unstable, but because if something _does_ go wrong, you don't want to get caught out using an officially unstable version.


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