I have a fairly simple query where I feel it takes too long to run.
SELECT Products.NSIPartNumber,Products.Cost, Products.ModelNo,
Products.USPrice, Products.VendorPart, Products.Description ,
Products.ProductID, Sum(tblInvTransaction.Qty) AS SumOfQty FROM Products
LEFT JOIN tblInvTransaction ON Products.ProductID =
tblInvTransaction.ProductID Where ((NSIPartNumber Like "%02-001%") AND
(Obsolete<>-1)) Group BY NSIPartNumber;
By running reduced versions of this query I have narrowed down the
problem to the 'Left Join' clause.  There are 6852 records in the
Products table and  45758 records in the tblInvTransaction table.  To
run the above query it takes approx. 15 seconds to run in mySQL and if I
run the same query in Access 2.0 it takes approx 5 seconds.  
What am I doing wrong?

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