In Access 2.0 and mySQL  Products.ProductID is indexed but
tblInvTransaction.ProductID is not.  I tried to set
tblInvTransaction.ProductID as indexed but it still took a long time.

>>> Daniel Kasak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 1/26/2004 12:18:46 PM
Jacque Scott wrote:

>I have a fairly simple query where I feel it takes too long to run.
>SELECT Products.NSIPartNumber,Products.Cost, Products.ModelNo,
>Products.USPrice, Products.VendorPart, Products.Description ,
>Products.ProductID, Sum(tblInvTransaction.Qty) AS SumOfQty FROM
>LEFT JOIN tblInvTransaction ON Products.ProductID =
>tblInvTransaction.ProductID Where ((NSIPartNumber Like "%02-001%")
>(Obsolete<>-1)) Group BY NSIPartNumber;
>By running reduced versions of this query I have narrowed down the
>problem to the 'Left Join' clause. There are 6852 records in the
>Products table and 45758 records in the tblInvTransaction table. To
>run the above query it takes approx. 15 seconds to run in mySQL and if
>run the same query in Access 2.0 it takes approx 5 seconds. 
>What am I doing wrong?
Have you got indexes on Products.ProductID and


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