what motherboard is it?


On Wed, 9 Mar 2005 14:56:10 -0600, John Williams
> Alright,
> After all the Gentoo love around here, I decided a few days ago to try
> gentoo. I've got an old HP celeron 550 and thought if it can optimize
> maybe I cam make something useful out of this box. Well after getting
> the first install up and booting, I was dead in the water because it
> wasn't recognizing my Network card (and heck if I know what that built
> in thing is). So then I decided to go with a level (some name like
> that) 3 install because it was faster and was supposed to be more like
> the live CD. Well, that didn't help becaus enow it is acsking what
> kernel modules to load including network card driver. All that to say
> I'm a relative newbee with Linux, but really want to learn more. I
> know I need more info about my hardware. Is there a hardware
> identification app out there that will tell you what you have in
> english? Something I could use to set up my system.
> OK so it's OT, but point in the right direction and I'll ask there.
> I'm stoked about the idea, but it's not gogin so well for me.
> BTW, I do like emerge.
> Thanks,
> John Williams
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