On Saturday 25 June 2005 06:03 pm, Paul Leppert wrote:
> Hi all,
>  I have been running on the CVS (now SVN) builds and recently noticed a
> problem. When I watch recorded shows and fast forward, the screen kind of
> gets messed up, the OSD comes up and the "total time" portion changes times
> (even though it is no longer recording) and then the video straightens
> itself out and its okay again. However, this takes several seconds. If I
> "jump" forward (15 minutes for me), it does the same thing, but it can take
> 30 seconds or longer to come back.
>  On my "Seeking" options screen in Setup, I have the following:
> Fast Forward amount = 30
> Rewind amount = 10
> Smart Fast Forwarding is not selected
> Sticky keys is not selected
> Fast forward/rewind reposition amount = 100
> Reverse direction in fast forward/rewind is unchecked
> Seek to exact frame is checked (also tried with unchecked, but had the same
> result)
> Jump amount = 15
>  I didn't have this problem when I was using 0.18, but also didn't have it
> up until the last few weeks (I update to CVS every 2 to 3 weeks). I also
> pretty regularly do a apt-get update / dist-upgrade. However, after the
> problem started, I used the cvs 'make uninstall' and reinstalled from
> Axel's RPMs. This had the same problem.
>  Could this be something related to a different package (mplayer or
> something)?
>  Anyone else seen this problem? Any thoughts would be appreciated as it
> makes skipping around in the recordings nearly useless.
>  Thanks,
> phlepper

This is the behavior I get when my recordedmarkup table is corrupt.  If you 
manually load the mythconverg database in mysql and it says something like 
"Cannot read recordedmarkup.MYI" then yours is probably messed up too.  In 
this case just run "REPAIR TABLE recordedmarkup;" and after a short time 
it'll be all good again (hopefully).  Note that also you'll most likely have 
to queue up some shows to get re-commercial flagged if they were flagging 
while the table was corrupt.


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