On Monday 25 July 2005 04:37 pm, Greg Estabrooks spammed:
> > No windowmanager.  Why do I need a windowmanager, it is a pvr :)
>  Because the window manager helps handle which app is in focus.
> Many people not using a window manager run into focus issues.
> Even a very small lightweight windowmanager would likely fix your
> problem.

I understand that to be the case.  However, I don't want to run a window 
manager just to get mplayer to behave correctly.  My previous setup was a 
dual 400MHz PII - adding a window manager to the mix added unnecessary 
complexity and maintenance.  I squeezed it for every ounce of memory and 
CPU :)

Now that I have upgraded, at some point I might add a window manager.

Regardless, it seems to me that it should work correctly without one.  
Requiring a window manager to manage a full screen app seems sloppy.  Heck, 
someday I would like to get rid of X completely use embedded QT.  The 
entire X windowing system along with a window manager is overkill for a 
single purpose pvr/media box.

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