On Tuesday 26 July 2005 05:58 am, Cory Papenfuss spammed:

>       I have chosen 'ratpoison' as my WM of choice.  Perfect for a
> PVR... no decorations/titlebars, etc.  Everything is full-screen, and you
> can pull up a terminal with a keystroke that mimics the 'screen' terminal
> program.

Cory, do you have to tweak any rc files or with ratpoison?  I spent a couple 
of hours last night attempting to tweak .twmrc and .fvwmrc to get twm or 
fvwm2 working.  Both times there was one or two problems that I could not 
get around.  For example, with twm, attempting to schedule a recording by 
using the program schedule would bring the program schedule up in the 

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