I've come across two scenarios and I was wondering if others thought this was normal, or If I maybe made a wrong choice for a setting buried deeply somewhere.

1) If I lower the max number of recordings, MythTV will chug along and start deleting the oldest episodes to match the number of max recordings. To me it seems like it this limit should only affect recording new shows, not deleting to maintain this number. This seems to be regardless of the checkbox for "auto expire", This also is independent of harddrive space as I have well over 100GB free, and I think I have set to maintain at least 5GB free in the settings. The first time I saw this was when a Mythbusters marathon came on. I raised the episode limit to 10 to make sure I got all of them, then afterwards lowered it back down to 3 so it wouldn't record new ones until I manually deleted at least 8 of them. After the episode limit change MythTV wiped out 7 of them to get to 3 recordings without asking.
2) I have seen a few times where I have a series set to maintain 5 episodes and it has all 5. I watch one of them and delete it, then two back to back episodes of the series come on and it records both and then realizes it's over the limit then deletes the oldest of the 6. It was like when it started to record the second one it didn't realize it had already reached the limit, then later realized it was over the limit and deleted the oldest one ala complaint observation #1.

Is anybody else seeing this? Did I miss one of the many settings? Should it work like that? To me it seems like unless I'm running out of hard drive space or I explicitly tell it "When episode limit is full, delete old, record new" MythTV should *never* auto delete an episode, even if it is over the episode limit.

Other than that Myth is AWESOME! I haven't watched live TV in months, and there is no going back. Thanks guys!

Oh yeah, specs...
MythTV ATRPMS latest (18.1) via Jarod's FC3 guide
Standard Def recordings
ASUS Pundit-S

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