On 10/13/05, Vladan Bato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have written before with my difficulties with installing mythtv on
> Xebian. No matter what repositories I used I couldn't manage to install
> mythtv.
> I got some suggestions on this list. Specifically to follow the
> instructions at this page:
> <http://www.mythtv-xbox.org/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=36>
> and use the apt sources posted in a reply.
> Well, yesterday I finally found the time to try that by doing a Xebian
> 1.1.4 install from scratch.
> I managed to install mythtv-frontend, but when I try to install
> mythvideo I get a broken packages error (details below).
> I browsed the www.mythtv-xbox.org forums and it seems that I'm not alone
> with this problem, and that nobody got beyond installing the frontend.
> It all must have worked some time ago, but it doesn't anymore.
> The errors are probably due to Xebian using sarge, while the mythtv
> repository uses sid.
> What should I do now? Should I do a dist-upgrade? Should I try
> recompiling MythTv (and wait a few days for it to finish)?

A few weeks ago I rebuilt the mythtv debian source packages against
libraries available in etch.  These *might* install on xebian.  Add
"http://alexfisher.me.uk/debian/ etch main" to your apt sources and
comment out the other mythtv source to find out.  If this doesn't
work, I wouldn't go as far as doing a dist-upgrade.  Just change the
apt sources list to point to unstable and then try installing
mythvideo again.

Hope this helps,
mythtv-users mailing list

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