Neil wrote:

On Tue, 2005-10-18 at 19:53 -0400, Michael T. Dean wrote:
Neil wrote:

Upgraded to the latest Mythweb CVS (.17) and now Mythweb (which I use
exclusively as my frontend) doesn't seem to want to delete anything.

Before trying to debug... CVS is no longer used. MythTV is using SVN now. Also, 0.17 is extremely old.

So, either fix your post (so we know we're not wasting time debugging a bad install) or fix your install (by installing SVN--or at least 0.18.1). ;)
I was using CVS not SVN.

OK.  Glad we got that cleared up first.

I've just pulled down the latest SVN using the

svn co

But it still pulls down .17 dated February 6 2005
Well, actually, it's a newer version. The README for MythWeb hasn't been updated in quite some time. Chris has been very busy with other stuff lately, but the idea of updating it is in the system ( ).

The best way to find out what "version" you're using with SVN is:

svn info

and looking at the line:

Revision: xxxx

So, anyway, you should have the right version, now, and can proceed to the install. Make sure, however, that you install the same version of mythtv, mythplugins, and myththemes--otherwise, you'll have problems. So, do an svn checkout of mythtv, then and svn update of mythplugins, then and svn checkout of myththemes, then compile/install mythtv (shutting down mythtv before installing), then compile/install mythplugins and myththemes (doesn't matter whether you install mythplugins or myththemes first). Then, restart mythtv and let us know if you still have difficulties.

Looking round the trac, the only branch I can see that appears to relate to a 
higher version is release-0-18-fixes, but if I look at the README for mythweb, 
it still says .17 February 6 2005.

Sorry if I'm being clueless, but I'm fairly new to Linux and have never done 
this before. Is there an M that I can RTF (;-) or could you point me in the 
right direction to find the latest release?
Probably don't need to RTFM since you're on the right track now, but here are some references you might find useful:

Version Control with Subversion:

MythTV homepage (to check version numbers ;):
MythTV Documentation:

mythtv-users mailing list

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