IMHO, I simple line in the README to say LiveTV is disabled would save a
lot of hassle. Seems lazy to me. I tried the SVN to get better support
for my DVB-T card and had the same problem. Why should I have to follow
the development forums. Im not a mythtv developer.

btw Ive only been programming for 40 years.

On Wed, 2005-11-16 at 17:14 -0500, Tom E. Craddock Jr. wrote:
> Steve Adeff wrote:
> > On Wednesday 16 November 2005 14:01, Michael T. Dean wrote:
> > 
> >>Paul Wheeler wrote:
> >>
> >>>I think the main reason a lot of people are using svn is the lack of a
> >>>recent release, he last release was about 9 months ago!!!! I always
> >>>stuck to the latest release version but using dvb in the uk with a
> >>>deaf housemate I was practically forced to use svn to get myth to work
> >>>properly and have subtitles. I know there was meant to be more
> >>>planning of intermediate releases (bug fix releases) however it just
> >>>simply wasnt working. IMHO I cant see a release hasnt been done a
> >>>while ago. The jumps in development are huge. I am sure a more regular
> >>>release schedule will help one of the main problems myth has which is
> >>>its stability. By regular releases more bugs will be found and can be
> >>>fixed better. I do understand that myth is a young project and that it
> >>>is still in fairly heavy development but 9 months between releases
> >>>when the svn changelog is so active just isnt right.
> >>
> >>OK.  But even so, this does not mean that users who wouldn't normally
> >>use SVN are exempt from the responsibilities expected of *anyone* using
> >>SVN--i.e. reading and keeping up with the -dev and -commits lists...
> >>
> >>Just my $0.02.
> >>
> >>Mike
> > 
> > 
> > Show me where onthe SVN page it says to read and keep up with the lists? 
> > 
> > As well, in the documentation, while it mentions you should join the lists, 
> > it 
> > does not say anything about how to search the lists (ie gossamer) to see 
> > what 
> > the current state of SVN is in.
> > 
> > I don't know where else there is with official Myth Documentation that 
> > talks 
> > about SVN, but I'll assume theres nothing there. Maybe a little 
> > clarification 
> > in the documentation (but apparently NOT on the SVN page itself) should 
> > talk 
> > about this stuff.
> > 
> > Steve
> I think its one of those, if you are going to venture into the deep end 
> of the waters, you should know how to swim things....If your going to go 
> and use SVN, then you should at least know how to use it, ie know how to 
> read up on the changelog/commit lists/dev lists.  I was never TOLD that 
> myself, if just makes a hell of alot of sense to me that way.  If I want 
> to use something, esp code thats actively being developed, then Id want 
> to know whats going on with that code...the only way to know that is to 
> either talk to the dev themselves (dev list is for that) or read their 
> thoughts (commit list and trac for that).
> Tom
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