> IMHO, I simple line in the README to say LiveTV is disabled would save a
> lot of hassle. Seems lazy to me. I tried the SVN to get better support
> for my DVB-T card and had the same problem. Why should I have to follow
> the development forums. Im not a mythtv developer.
> btw Ive only been programming for 40 years.

40 years, wow... ;)

Do you at random times go to your coworker's computers and take pieces of
code they've been working on and compile them into your programs and put that 
into production use without asking or checking to see if there are any 
side-effects in their code?  That's what you're doing if you just "svn update"
without reading the lists to see what's working or not working (whether 
or not) at the time.


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