I'm in Louisiana.  I spoke with my friend who is an attorney and he said to 
wait on the results. I'm just so down right now.  Just when I had that high 
of going to Premiere this happens.  This will not deter me but this is 
definitely a stab. Thank you for your words and advice.


On Wednesday, June 26, 2013 2:13:57 PM UTC-5, Maggie wrote:
> Yeesh.
> What state are you in?
> I know you've posted before about being frustrated with your school, but 
> honestly, you'd probably be frustrated with any school because there are SO 
> few of them that offer the type of training and eduction most of us expect 
> when we enroll.
> As for the trainer hand, it actually sounds like this is a case where your 
> Unfortunately, the St. Board holds all the cards on this one, so it 
> doesn't matter that THEY are the ones who are IGNORANT-- you're gonna have 
> to do it again and do it they're way. And your school should have a better 
> grasp on what the Board expects so they can prepare students for that 
> experience. It doesn't really matter, in the long run, that the trainer is 
> a better device.
> BUT!! FIGHT IT!! Send pictures of your hand to the St. Board! Send a LONG, 
> carefully written letter to the St. Board! TELL THEM exactly what you 
> experienced and WHY you were told you failed the exam and let them know 
> that their examiners are the ones who are wrong on this one! That the nail 
> trainer meets their criteria for the exam and that you performed the 
> service correctly but that the EXAMINER was the weak link. And that the St. 
> Board NEEDS to address this before they continue to erroneously fail 
> students just for being more competent than the examiners.
> Seriously-- ANYONE who knows *@&!^@!! about sculpting nails would be able 
> to wrap their brain around your sculptured nail without a tip. DUH! They 
> should be able to SEE and COMPREHEND the structure of the nail trainer and 
> SEE and COMPREHEND the structure of your sculpted nail and "grade" you on 
> your work based on that comprehension. It sounds like the examiner you 
> spoke with understood why tips are usually used for that service and 
> understood that a true sculptured nail shouldn't use a tip-- so if they can 
> clearly see that your practice hand didn't NEED a tip for that service, why 
> would you get marked down for doing it properly?
> OK. Now I'm all worked up. 
> But DO contact your St. Board, write/call/email as many people in the 
> organization as you can get contact info for, make sure they get their 
> story straight so this doesn't happen to others!
> OH! And as for your "unprofessional texts" PHOOEY! Stand up to your 
> school! Put your foot down, look them in the eye, and let them know in no 
> uncertain terms that THEY work for YOU! Don't let them intimidate or bully 
> you.
> As for the texting? It's not YOUR issue that their student was interrupted 
> during class by your texts. It's HER phone, it's up to HER to silence it 
> and it's HER choice if she reads/answers texts or calls during class. 
> Frankly, it sounds like using cell phones was never an issue during class 
> before or for anyone else, so they don't get to start nitpicking this time. 
> But if they're going to be mad at anyone, it should be the student in the 
> class who didn't turn off her phone, NOT the person who texted her.
> Not that I'm trying to pin it on your friend-- sounds like it's a GOOD 
> thing she got that text so SHE can deliver the news to the class since the 
> school and the state board don't seem to be on the same page.
> Now go contact your state board and send them all those pictures of the 
> nail trainer!
> Maggie Franklin: 
> Owner & Artist, The Art of Nailz <http://artofnailz.info/>, Visalia CA
> * "Visionary rebel dreamer; obviously way ahead of my time."
> *Maggie Rants [and Raves]@Nails Magazine <http://blogs.nailsmag.com/maggie/>
> Facebook <http://www.facebook.com/onykophile>
>    *From:* CloserToMyDreams <theretrea...@gmail.com <javascript:>>
> *To:* nail...@googlegroups.com <javascript:> 
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 26, 2013 10:04 AM
> *Subject:* NailTech:: Took my State Boards--not what I expected
> Hello everyone!
> Yesterday, I traveled 4 hours for my state boards.  I was a bit nervous 
> because it was finally time to do this!! I arrived early, and was speaking 
> with a staff member and he told me there were three tests--a state, a 
> national and a practical.  I was shocked because the entire time at school 
> I was only informed of a state exam. So naturally I became anxious.  I 
> texted my classmate and told her that I was told about a national exam and 
> she was like, "what?" I reviewed the practice 10 questions online and began 
> to think that I probably should have focused a bit more on natural 
> sciences.  Oh well, I was there, I read my chapters so I would just go with 
> it.  I get inside and we are to take our practical first.  I see the other 
> candidates pull out the individual fingers.  The examiner walks by each and 
> then when he gets to me and sees my "nail trainer" he jumps back and says, 
> "whoa, what is that?" I told him it is the hand we use at school and I was 
> told I could bring it.  He then says, "sometimes schools don't know what 
> the hell they are talking about." He then asks me where are my clear tips? 
> I tell him that I have them to place on the hand. So now, I'm even more 
> NERVOUS!!! We begin the practical which is 45 minutes to do a tip with 
> overlay, a sculptured nail and a repair.  I perform all of those with time 
> to spare.  As the examiners come to me again, I get puzzled looks from the 
> both of them.  We begin our written exams and while taking it, another 
> examiner comes up and asks to borrow my hand.  He takes it behind the 
> podium and they gather around and begin speaking.  This is awful for 
> testing, anxiety and nervousness and it's difficult for me to focus because 
> I am now trying to figure out what is going on.  So I finish the written 
> exams--both state and national.  I'm feeling good about the two and during 
> my checkout, I ask the examiner what is their concern about the nail 
> trainer.  He says, "well, next time, you want to put clear tips on all of 
> the fingers...I'm not supposed to be talking to you about that but next 
> time" I can't even remember what he said after that because all I heard was 
> "NEXT TIME."  I pointed that out to him and said, "sir, you said "next 
> time" so that means I failed." He nodded yes. I leave out and just sit in 
> my car.  I'm going through the steps in my head, I refer to my book and yes 
> I followed all steps.  He comes outside and I stop him. "Sir, I hate to 
> disturb you but could you tell me what was wrong with the hand." He says 
> that I should have put the tip to the cuticle area on all three fingers. He 
> said he couldn't see the tip on my sculpted nail.  I told him that a 
> sculpted nail doesn't include a tip, it's free formed. He said yes, but 
> when candidates bring in the fingers or even the rubber hand, they have to 
> attach the tip to it, then cut it down then sculpt over it so that I can 
> see where the sculpting started. I told him that there is no need for that 
> on the nail trainer because of the anatomical set up of the nail plate. He 
> told me that that is what I will need to do on my next test.  I went back 
> to my car and cried. I thought all of this would be over on that day.  I 
> was hoping my experience with the ill-equipped school was over.  I just 
> didn't have anything else in me.  I cried for a long time. I told my 
> classmate to just buy the fingers for her test, forget the hand, I didn't 
> want them to experience this. She told the instructor who then told the 
> school owner who then called boards and they told her that I had a painted 
> hand and that is why I failed.  My classmate then told the instructor how I 
> felt that we were not prepared for the boards and how I felt frustrated 
> that the hand they told me was appropriate was not familiar to the 
> examiners.  I took a pic of the nail trainer to prove that I did not have a 
> "painted hand." My classmate showed it to them. Today, I called the school 
> and spoke with the owner because I was tired of third party back and forth. 
>  I explained my situation and she was more interested in defending the 
> school.  She said that I shouldn't have texted my classmate and stressed 
> them out while they were at school.  My classmate texted me how I was doing 
> and asked for updates.  When we talked, she excused herself from the 
> building.  For those who are unfamiliar with my backstory, I go to a school 
> where we read the chapter and then ask the instructor for an answer sheet 
> and take the test.  We do not have real theory courses, it is mostly 
> independent study.  I did not have an instructor who guided me daily and a 
> lot of the things I learned were from watching education ambassadors on you 
> tube, through forums and by reading my text.  So it is not as if my texts 
> interrupted class or if my classmate excused herself from class.  We sit in 
> a room, usually talking to each other and that didn't happen for me until I 
> only had 2 months left because before then I was the only nail tech 
> student. 
> Well, the owner then tells me how I was unprofessional to text my 
> classmate and I told her that I was giving my friend the heads up so that 
> she would not experience it.  I then informed her that I believed it was 
> unprofessional for my school not to contact me after they heard about my 
> board fiasco. She told me she didn't appreciate me saying that to her. She 
> proceeded to raise her voice and over talk me. She ended with that there 
> was nothing she could do until she received my results and we would proceed 
> from there.  I agreed. I sent a pic to my classmate of the hand and she 
> showed the instructor who became frustrated because she didn't understand 
> why they would fail me because I didn't apply a tip for a sculptured nail. 
> I'm feeling pretty down, a day later.  I'm not as upset but to know that I 
> will have to drive 4 hours again, pay again and continue to deal with this 
> school is upsetting. I will purchase the fingers for next time and 
> hopefully, whenever I receive the results (I have to call the school every 
> Friday to see if they received my results), I hope the test date is soon. 
>  I sent off for boards in May and received a test date for June 25.  Since 
> I probably won't be able to send off until July, I probably won't get a 
> date until August and I had expected to have moved back to Florida by then 
> and do reciprocity. This is so unfortunate :'-( I've attached a photo of my 
> nail trainer and the work for state boards.  I'm just coming out of school 
> so it won't be as spectacular as what you guys are doing. But the middle 
> finger is tip with overlay, the ring finger is the repair and the pinky is 
> the sculpt.
> -- 
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