I agree...you have EVERY RIGHT to contact your State Board. You are seeking a 
professional license...as a professional they HAVE to honor you with a 
professional response.  Follow Maggie’s link, keep writing and following up. 
Some person will eventually be the person that can help you sort this out. You 
followed their rules as stated. They are responsible for the actions of those 
they contract with to administer their testing. Water dripping on 
stone....water dripping on stone.....


From: Maggie in Visalia 
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 2:50 PM
To: nailtech@googlegroups.com 
Subject: Re: NailTech:: Took my State Boards--not what I expected


As a licensee, you will be entering a relationship with the state of Lousiana. 
As a student preparing to become a licensee, you have already begun that 

If your school has lead you to believe that you are not "allowed" to contact 
the board directly, your school is........ well, I think we've already 
established what we think of your school,  haven't we? And the state board 
NEEDS to know how poorly that school is operating, as that school has entered 
into a relationship with the state as well, most likely requiring special 
permits/licenses to operate the program. The state needs to know that the 
school is failing to operate in compliance.

Your state board contact info: 

Your board looks to have a decent site. I know I prefer to do my correspondence 
with CA state board via email. That way I have their information IN WRITING 
complete with the contact info of the person who answered my questions.

You may get frustrated dealing directly with the board. If it's anything like 
CA, you're going to have to make a lot of calls, take a lot of names, make more 
calls, get disconnected while on hold and have to call back. But keep telling 
your story and keep asking for the names and contact info for the people you 
need to be speaking with. You'll get it. And once you get it, don't lose it.

Don't give up! 

Maggie Franklin: 
Owner & Artist, The Art of Nailz, Visalia CA
"Visionary rebel dreamer; obviously way ahead of my time."
Maggie Rants [and Raves]@Nails Magazine 

  From: CloserToMyDreams <theretreatgrambl...@gmail.com>
  To: nailtech@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 1:50 PM
  Subject: Re: NailTech:: Took my State Boards--not what I expected

  In Louisiana, we (students) are not allowed to call the State Boards only the 
school can and I didn't think I needed to have them call again since the school 
told me I could use the nail trainer. If I have to retake, I'm using the 
individual fingers since it appears that is what the antiquated boards wants. 
Thank you for the feedback. 

  On Wednesday, June 26, 2013 12:12:54 PM UTC-5, Melissa wrote: 
    I'm so sorry to hear about your experience. :( I called my state board to 
see if I could use the nail trainer and they couldn't tell me. They said they 
were only able to give me technical advice. As far as I knew, that was pretty 
technical. After that, I just decided to use the plastic hand that came with my 
kit and glued on full coverage nails. I was in a similar situation as well with 
school. I pretty much watched YouTube all day, read my book on my own and did 
some tests they gave me. I was the only student with a couple others in and 
out. If you have to pay for the test again, I'd be seeing about having the 
school pay for it, if you can.  


    On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 10:04 AM, CloserToMyDreams <theretrea...@gmail.com 
> wrote:

      Hello everyone! 
      Yesterday, I traveled 4 hours for my state boards.  I was a bit nervous 
because it was finally time to do this!! I arrived early, and was speaking with 
a staff member and he told me there were three tests--a state, a national and a 
practical.  I was shocked because the entire time at school I was only informed 
of a state exam. So naturally I became anxious.  I texted my classmate and told 
her that I was told about a national exam and she was like, "what?" I reviewed 
the practice 10 questions online and began to think that I probably should have 
focused a bit more on natural sciences.  Oh well, I was there, I read my 
chapters so I would just go with it.  I get inside and we are to take our 
practical first.  I see the other candidates pull out the individual fingers.  
The examiner walks by each and then when he gets to me and sees my "nail 
trainer" he jumps back and says, "whoa, what is that?" I told him it is the 
hand we use at school and I was told I could bring it.  He then says, 
"sometimes schools don't know what the hell they are talking about." He then 
asks me where are my clear tips? I tell him that I have them to place on the 
hand. So now, I'm even more NERVOUS!!! We begin the practical which is 45 
minutes to do a tip with overlay, a sculptured nail and a repair.  I perform 
all of those with time to spare.  As the examiners come to me again, I get 
puzzled looks from the both of them.  We begin our written exams and while 
taking it, another examiner comes up and asks to borrow my hand.  He takes it 
behind the podium and they gather around and begin speaking.  This is awful for 
testing, anxiety and nervousness and it's difficult for me to focus because I 
am now trying to figure out what is going on.  So I finish the written 
exams--both state and national.  I'm feeling good about the two and during my 
checkout, I ask the examiner what is their concern about the nail trainer.  He 
says, "well, next time, you want to put clear tips on all of the fingers...I'm 
not supposed to be talking to you about that but next time" I can't even 
remember what he said after that because all I heard was "NEXT TIME."  I 
pointed that out to him and said, "sir, you said "next time" so that means I 
failed." He nodded yes. I leave out and just sit in my car.  I'm going through 
the steps in my head, I refer to my book and yes I followed all steps.  He 
comes outside and I stop him. "Sir, I hate to disturb you but could you tell me 
what was wrong with the hand." He says that I should have put the tip to the 
cuticle area on all three fingers. He said he couldn't see the tip on my 
sculpted nail.  I told him that a sculpted nail doesn't include a tip, it's 
free formed. He said yes, but when candidates bring in the fingers or even the 
rubber hand, they have to attach the tip to it, then cut it down then sculpt 
over it so that I can see where the sculpting started. I told him that there is 
no need for that on the nail trainer because of the anatomical set up of the 
nail plate. He told me that that is what I will need to do on my next test.  I 
went back to my car and cried. I thought all of this would be over on that day. 
 I was hoping my experience with the ill-equipped school was over.  I just 
didn't have anything else in me.  I cried for a long time. I told my classmate 
to just buy the fingers for her test, forget the hand, I didn't want them to 
experience this. She told the instructor who then told the school owner who 
then called boards and they told her that I had a painted hand and that is why 
I failed.  My classmate then told the instructor how I felt that we were not 
prepared for the boards and how I felt frustrated that the hand they told me 
was appropriate was not familiar to the examiners.  I took a pic of the nail 
trainer to prove that I did not have a "painted hand." My classmate showed it 
to them. Today, I called the school and spoke with the owner because I was 
tired of third party back and forth.  I explained my situation and she was more 
interested in defending the school.  She said that I shouldn't have texted my 
classmate and stressed them out while they were at school.  My classmate texted 
me how I was doing and asked for updates.  When we talked, she excused herself 
from the building.  For those who are unfamiliar with my backstory, I go to a 
school where we read the chapter and then ask the instructor for an answer 
sheet and take the test.  We do not have real theory courses, it is mostly 
independent study.  I did not have an instructor who guided me daily and a lot 
of the things I learned were from watching education ambassadors on you tube, 
through forums and by reading my text.  So it is not as if my texts interrupted 
class or if my classmate excused herself from class.  We sit in a room, usually 
talking to each other and that didn't happen for me until I only had 2 months 
left because before then I was the only nail tech student. 
      Well, the owner then tells me how I was unprofessional to text my 
classmate and I told her that I was giving my friend the heads up so that she 
would not experience it.  I then informed her that I believed it was 
unprofessional for my school not to contact me after they heard about my board 
fiasco. She told me she didn't appreciate me saying that to her. She proceeded 
to raise her voice and over talk me. She ended with that there was nothing she 
could do until she received my results and we would proceed from there.  I 
agreed. I sent a pic to my classmate of the hand and she showed the instructor 
who became frustrated because she didn't understand why they would fail me 
because I didn't apply a tip for a sculptured nail. I'm feeling pretty down, a 
day later.  I'm not as upset but to know that I will have to drive 4 hours 
again, pay again and continue to deal with this school is upsetting. I will 
purchase the fingers for next time and hopefully, whenever I receive the 
results (I have to call the school every Friday to see if they received my 
results), I hope the test date is soon.  I sent off for boards in May and 
received a test date for June 25.  Since I probably won't be able to send off 
until July, I probably won't get a date until August and I had expected to have 
moved back to Florida by then and do reciprocity. This is so unfortunate :'-( 
I've attached a photo of my nail trainer and the work for state boards.  I'm 
just coming out of school so it won't be as spectacular as what you guys are 
doing. But the middle finger is tip with overlay, the ring finger is the repair 
and the pinky is the sculpt.

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