Title: Donald J
I have served on many program and general committees for academic conferences.  In every case we took great pains to preserve the privacy of the feedback.  We did strive to provide constructive feedback to the author(s) and in all cases the reviewer would also be kept confidential. 

Cat Okita wrote:
On Mon, 16 Oct 2006, Curtis Villamizar wrote:
Would it help if you could see anonymous ratings without the comments
that go with the ratings?  Providing the comments would just mean
people wouldn't record some (maybe most) of their comments and would
have to make comments on the call.

While I'd definitely agree that having ratings for talk proposals does
make it much easier for the PC to process them, sharing those ratings
publically doesn't seem like a good way to encourage people to present.


Donald J. Welch, Ph.D.

President & CEO

Merit Network, Inc.



1000 Oakbrook Drive

Ann Arbor, MI 48104

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