At 04:01 PM 10/18/2006, Joe Provo wrote:
On Wed, Oct 18, 2006 at 03:41:53PM -0400, Martin Hannigan wrote:
> Here are some facts:

I think you mispelled 'vague handwavey opinions'.

>BTW: Aren't we only supposed to have 16?

16 from the community and 1 Merit appointee. Keep up.

I posted some facts about the makeup of the PC as a
representation of why it might be more interesting to
see them work as smaller groups. I would think as
someone as intelligent as you would have made that
leap instead of pushing for more inefficiency.

Since the PC has diverse expertise, it seems to make
sense to consider that instead of ratholing them into one
large group of 'follow the leader' that we give them even
more independence and allow them to be creative in
smaller groups that allows _more_ participation that
is practical, vs. less. That's where the tie in to the
inverse ratings I'm suggesting comes in as well.

But I guess you missed that.


Martin Hannigan                                (c) 617-388-2663
Renesys Corporation                            (w) 617-395-8574
Member of Technical Staff                      Network Operations

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