On Wed, 31 Oct 2007, Sean Figgins wrote:

> >> I also think this needs additional language to ensure that it is
> >> within the realm of the authority of the MLC/NANOG.  NANOG has no
> >> authority to prohibit autoresponses that result in a direct email to
> >> someone on the list.  Without this language, you will have a lot of
> >> people continuing to whine about getting an autoresponse when they CC
> >> everyone in the thread and one of them is on vacation.
> >>     
> > Since this is the lists' AUP, whatever consenting adults do to their
> > private email that has no bearing to the list is clearly OK.
> >   
> I already know of one case that someone that CCed nanog@ and the
> original poster complained when they got an autoresponder.  The proposed
> language is vague enough that it does not make it clear if it applies
> only to messages send through the list, or a message to any individual
> that includes the list.  If you all want to live in a vague world, then
> that's fine by me, but don't complain when you get complaints that arise
> out of the vagueness.
Well, that's why MLC is paid big bucks to separate loony complaints from 
real ones ;)


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