> From: Alex Pilosov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Oct 30, 2007 2:33 PM
> Subject: [nanog-admin] Vote on AUP submission to SC
> Sorry for the delay, I was catching up with RL things after nanog.
> I'd like to call for a vote on modified AUP to be submitted to SC. We've
> already voted on each specific thing, but haven't voted on
> full AUP.
> 1. Discussion will focus on Internet operational and technical issues
> as described in the charter of NANOG.
> 2. Postings of issues inconsistent with the charter are prohibited.
> 3. Cross posting is prohibited.
> 4. Postings that include foul language, character assassination, and
> lack of respect for other participants are prohibited.
> 5. Product marketing is prohibited.
> 6. Postings of political, philosophical, and legal nature are
> prohibited.
> 7. Using list as source for private marketing initiatives is prohibited
> 8. Autoresponders sending mail either to the list or to the poster
> are prohibited.
> I'd like to draw your attention particularly to #8 - while we agreed on
> policy to forbid autoresponders, we haven't voted on the specific language
> on it. I think the above is short and simple enough.
> Differences from previous AUP:
> Clause #3: crossposting is prohibited instead of discouraged.
> Clause #5: instead of "blatant product marketing is discouraged" we have
> "product marketing is prohibited".
> Clause #6: political etc postings are prohibited instead of discouraged.
> Clause #7 "Postings to the list must be made using real, identifiable
> names and addresses, rather than aliases." is removed.
> New clause #7: "Using list as source for private marketing initiatives is
> prohibited." is added.
> New clause #8: "Autoresponders sending mail either to the list or to the
> poster are prohibited."
> Thanks.
> -alex

i find "prohibited" to be unnecessarily strong.

<sc hat on>
looks pretty much as expected from meeting and discussion between sc and
mlc.  though i knwo it's a pita, it's great to see mlc getting act
together on the administrivia.

surprised you posted it to futures as opposed to the mlc chair doing so.


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