> I wonder whether a better solution might be to create a 
> second NANOG list for all the non-core operational issues 
> from mail to P2p to botnets. People who are only interested 
> in the traditional NANOG core, can stay away. People who are 
> interested in broader operational issues can join the list 
> and ignore threads that are not relevant.
> ----------------------------------------------
> Wasn't that already tried with nanog-offtopic?  (or whatever 
> the actual list name was...)

I am referring to a NANOG on-topic list where the definition of "on
is different from the core list. Not some cute joke list run by somebody

else so that they can win arguments on the core list.

For this to work, the list has to be an official NANOG activity 
supported by the SC, the MLC, the website, etc.

It needs to have its own ML charter and FAQ.

It would be interesting if, instead of a typical email list archive,
the postings were all flowed into some kind of a blog with an RSS
feed. This would accomplish the same goals of an email archive, but
also offer the possibility of subscribing to the list as an RSS
feed. And if the blog also allowed comments and flowed them back to
the list, people would get the best of both worlds.

Note that I am not suggesting that we try this technology enhancement
on the core list, but on a broader Internet service operations list.

--Michael Dillon

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