On Tue, 30 Oct 2007, Joe Abley wrote:

Mail seems to be one of those topics which is of interest to many nanog subscribers, but simultaneously annoying to many (presumably different) nanog subscribers.

Given that observation, creating a [EMAIL PROTECTED] list for the discussion of "e-mail operations" as a bounded experiment seems like a reasonable thing to do.

I don't see any reason not to try this.

The NANOG list is currently a mess. Sometimes it's arguably an off-topic mess. Other times, it's just too many people saying the same things over and over, such that if anybody said anything new and interesting they'd get lost in the noise. If it had any value as "the one true list," I think that's long gone.

The idea of dividing into specialties seems to upset a few people. I'm not sure if that's because they're afraid they'll miss some discussion, or if it's because they're afraid somebody will miss them discussing something. If the former, specialty lists shouldn't cause them any problems -- they can just join them all. If the latter, I don't have a whole lot of sympathy.

I don't know if dividing the list into specialty lists would fix the current problems. I suspect the real issue is that there's a size of mailing list beyond which allowing unmoderated posting just doesn't work anymore, and we've hit it. But I think if i could subscribe to some lists with more in depth discussions of my specialties, and could let the drivel and discussions of areas of network operations that I don't work on happen elsewhere, I'd be much happier than I am with the current state.


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