So, a few private replies later, and I do want to clarify myself somewhat. 

Nanog surely is a community that can help respond and recover from network 
events, and further progress to legitimize the group as a real entity will help 
fulfill that. 

Think of nanog certified ISPs that prefix filter their customers as well as 
bcp38 packet filters. 

Better than regulation IMHO. 

Jared Mauch

On Jun 9, 2010, at 4:59 PM, Shrdlu <> wrote:

> Jared Mauch wrote:
>> I'm usually thinking "Nanog is a mailing list".
> It is, indeed. It is also more. I attended a meeting in LA solely to 
> gain voting rights. Seriously. If events had not conspired against me, 
> I'd have attended the past meeting that was in Seattle, for the same reason.
> I will be happy to pay for a membership in whatever nascent creation 
> comes out of this. However much that is, it will be less than the cost 
> of travel+meeting fees.
> I'd actually considered volunteering in some capacity or other, but I 
> don't think I'm dependable enough to do so.
> -- 
> Math *is* thinking.
> It's dance for the brain.
> It is a meta-skill.
>            Whiskey T. Foxtrot
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