On 10/27/10 6:32 PM, Joe Provo wrote:
>> When we were discussing the fee structure in August and September, I
>> used this argument, and nobody could offer me a convincing counter
>> argument.  My argument was...  If we are offering a "fellow" membership
>> for someone that has contributed a extraordinary amount to the
>> community, then are we saying that students are more important to the
>> community than people that would be regular members?  That students
>> contribute more to the value of NewNOG than people that are not students?
> Growing the base. As a community, we routinely gripe about the existing
> training (both the now-extant academic track and vendor-specific in
> workplaces) and from where the next generation will come.  Seems that
> directly engaging thw student population is better than indirectly
> hoping that the right moths are attracted to our flames.
None of this has anything to do with GOVERNANCE.  Growing the community 
is fine.  I see no more value in students being members of the 
GOVERNANCE function of a corporation than I see anyone else.  I'm not 
saying that they don't have value.  I am saying that they have no more 
or less value than anyone that has to pay full rate.


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