On Wed, 10 Feb 2010, Patrick W. Gilmore wrote:

Agree to disagree is right. The film is called "The Internet Revealed: _A_film_about_IXPs_". You find it strange that the film would actually focus on IXPs. I find it strange that you couldn't figure this out before clicking play.

If it would have said "The internet revealed - an advertisement for IXPs" I might have been expecting the thing I got.

However, I do believe you should know how the Internet works. And if you honestly believe packets in a single stream cannot travel over different paths, you clearly do not. And before you come back with BS about "normal operation" or such, realize your statement was far more "factually incorrect" than what the video said about private interconnects.

I'm saying they don't normally do so, as one might believe when looking at the movie. Any core router ECMP algorithm that sprays L4 sessions like that will cause re-ordering which is bad, mkay.

But I'll shut up after this, I'm obviously not jaded enough like you other people to just swallow this as "advertisement". I expected a correct factual way of describing how the Internet works including IXPs, not an IXP advertisement. My expectations were obviously wrong from the response I'm seeing.

Mikael Abrahamsson    email: swm...@swm.pp.se

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