On 2010-04-20, at 15:31, Roger Marquis wrote:

> If this were really an issue I'd expect my nieces and nephews, all of whom 
> are big
> game players, would have mentioned it.  They haven't though, despite being 
> behind
> cheap NATing CPE from D-Link and Netgear.

I have heard it said before that there is significant cooperation and/or 
software engineering work between some or all of those who make residential 
gateways and those who make multi-player games to achieve this end result. The 
opinion I heard vocalised at the time was that it would have been a lot easier 
to reach this state of affairs if there had been standardisation of NAT in v4 
at an early stage. As it is, peer-to-peer apps like games require significant 
if-then-else to make anything work.

> Address conservation aside, the main selling point of NAT is its filtering of 
> inbound
> session requests.

If that was all that was required, you could sell a stateful firewall that 
didn't do NAT, and everybody would buy that instead because it would make 
things like iChat AV break less. Apparently there are other reasons to buy and 
sell devices that NAT (e.g. my ISP gives me one address, but the laptop and the 
Wii both want to use the internet).


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