
> I assume you are talking about the quiet attribute. I'm wondering how 
> this overlaps with previous discussions about logging level. 
> ie if the 
> logging level is at a certain level write the error otherwise 
> don't. I'm 
> not sure there is a need for the quiet attribute on individual tasks.

I think that there may well be cases where you do want a different log
filter level for a particular task. For example, I may run the majority of
my build with only errors being shown, but I'd want to see full verbose
output for a particular task - say running tests or something like that.
Some kind of base Task attribute which allowed overriding of the filter
level on a per task basis would be (IMHO) important in a filtered log.
Especially as most users have no control over what the developer believes to
be a warning/error or quiet/verbose.

Just my two english pence...
Simon Steele
Programmers Notepad - http://www.sf.net/projects/pnotepad/

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