----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Barstow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Nant-Developers (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 6:54 AM
Subject: [nant-dev] Nant.VisualCpp.Tasks build failures

> I'm still getting build failures for the *entire* Nant.VisualCpp test
> on the 1.1 Framework.

Do you have VS.NET installed ? The cpp compiler and stuff are not part of
the .NET Framework. Is the C:\program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
2003\Vc7\bin directory in your path ?

Currently there's no multiple framework support for the cpp tasks, as this
is not possible with the current framework implementation which means the
cpp linker and stuff have to be in your path right now.  I've got a batch of
changes ready that wil allow us to do that, but I'll hold off on them until
after you've created a new release.

> Unfortunately there does not appear to be a way to
> get the actual error message being returned.

The actual error seems to be External Program Failed: cl (return code was
2), so it might not be a path issue after all, not sure about this one ...

> The failure below is typical of the whole suite.
>             Failures:
>             1)
> Tests.NAnt.VisualCpp.Tasks.ClTaskTest_HelloWorld.Test_HelloWorldCompile
> : Error Executing Project:
> C:\DOCUME~1\JOHN_B~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\Tests.NAnt.VisualCpp.Task
> s.ClTaskTest_HelloWorld\test.build(3,22):
>              External Program Failed: cl (return code was 2)
>                at Tests.NAnt.Core.BuildTestBase.ExecuteProject(Project p)
> c:\source\
> tools\nant\tests\NAnt.Core\BuildTestBase.cs:line 92
>                at Tests.NAnt.Core.BuildTestBase.RunBuild(String xml) in
> c:\source\tools
> \nant\tests\NAnt.Core\BuildTestBase.cs:line 76
>                at
> Tests.NAnt.VisualCpp.Tasks.ClTaskTest_HelloWorld.Test_HelloWorldCompi
> le() in c:\source\tools\nant\tests\NAnt.VisualCpp\Tasks\ClTaskTest.cs:line
> 64

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