Gert Driesen wrote:

the .NET Framework. Is the C:\program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
2003\Vc7\bin directory in your path ?

Surprisingly, the cpp compiler *is* part of .NET framework. However the
compiler that is included may not be fully functional; which might be
causing the error.

The only difference I'm aware of is that the compiler is a non-optimising version. It should not have trouble with the simple .cpp files that the tests create.

I think we could in fact allow all tasks that derive from
ExternalProgramBase to specify the full path directly using the NAnt
configuration file (or the build file), as that will definitely increase the
flexibility of NAnt.

specify the full path for every commandlne tool that has a matching nant task ? that could be a lot of work to manage as not everyone installs things in the same places.

The way I've implemented the framework support right now, allows you to set the name of the executable (or any other attribute) for a task (or element) on a framework-level in the NAnt configuration file, as I didn't want to make any "major" changes (with the recent discussion about this in mind) . But this still requires another mechanism to get to a full path (eg. for the csc task, this is : combine the name of the executable with the Framework directory to get the full path to the c# compiler, which is done in FXCompilerBase), while in fact we could allow the full path to be specified directly for each task (that wants to). I'm not saying we should do this for all tasks, the csc task, for example, does not need this. But I don't think its a bad idea to allow it, but still use the current mechanism by default.

Although these aren't that major changes, and altough I'd love to commit the
current changes as soon possible, I still think it's not a good idea to make
these changes this close to a new release ... unless you (and the rest of
the NAnt community) think we can/should postpone the release a couple of
days (or so).

have we actually ascertained that not having cl.exe in the path is the reason the tests were failing for John ? And if that is the case adding it to path will allow the tests to pass. The other thing to consider is that the VisualCpp tasks probably work just as well with vc6. In which case targetting them specifically at a framework would be the wrong thing to do.


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