>Has anymore work been completed on the <msbuild-solution> task?

No, nothing serious since early january. I'm testing overall stability and
performance on our enterprise build. But most of our projects are still on
net-1.1. Anyway, it looks very well.
>Looking through the archives there was mention of moving it into
NAnt-Contrib, but the last time I looked that hasn't happened.

It do not happens yet. Mainly becouse of needed patch to main <solution>
task, which wasn't still submitted (or I do not know about it).
>But I would like to investigate adding support for the 'solution' property
as well as a few other things (like would it be possible to add a OutputDir
property to the <msbuild> task). I don't want to start making changes
however, until it's clear that <msbuild-solution> is the way that NAnt is
going to go. 

Exactly the reason why I do not continue the work. If I know, its the way
where NAnt would like to go, I'd gladly improve it somewhat.

Gert, Ian? How you see it?
>I believe that the <solution> task was an important win for the NAnt
project. People (like me) who don't have a complicated solution/project
>and who use VS for their day to day compiles didn't want the hassle of
updating their NAnt scripts every time they added/removed a file from their
>Without the <solution> task, I don't know if I would have been able to
justify using NAnt as a build process.
>(Which is funny....my NAnt scripts are around the 3000 line mark, of which
maybe 100 lines deals with the actual compile). 

Very same here :-) Really funny thing - 3000 line script and only few lines
about building itself. In contrast, msbuild files (scripts) are all about
build. In fact, I like it much (better than <solution>), but it (main)
purpose it elsewhere. And I see NAnt/MSBuild coexistence useful. Ok, it is
competetive in some respects, but It could be also nice complement.
>It wasn't until I started to browse this list's archive that I could see
that NAnt was alive and that work was being done to get NAnt working on VS
>The sooner this work is made more visible (ie getting it into the nightly
build of either NAnt or the Contrib),
> is blogged about, has a code project article etc etc the better off NAnt
will be. 

I feel it simmilar. I know, there is real work and NAnt is "just" pet
project like many open-sources. Even that officical releases are so rare add
to this feel. I wish next release will be soon and with stable msbuild
support :-)
>PS Martin I'm very grateful for the work that you've done towards the
<msbuild-solution> task.

Thanks much! :-) You are (of couse!) free to experiment with that solution
handling. It shoudn't be difficult. And btw: I'm not afraid of .sln parsing.
We could handle new format at time MS publishes it.

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