> Am 04.05.2005 um 16:45 schrieb Vlad Seryakov:
> > We just do not have Web site, at least first page with some details
> > would be nice. I guess, hosting on sourceforge gives us html version
> > of web page only.
> Bernd can take this on his shoulders, I think. Bernd?

Yes. I will set up naviserver the next days on a server already intended for 
the website. We could use www.servercult.com/naviserver or smth. like that as 
we have this domain already. But this is not so important as we can change it 
to whatever whenever we want.

I'll keep you up to date. What texts do you think we need for the start (the 
first promotion)?

- Vision/Mission
- Background Info
- Where to download/How to checkout
- development guideline(s)
- ...


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