On 5/5/05, Bernd Eidenschink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Am 04.05.2005 um 16:45 schrieb Vlad Seryakov:
> > > We just do not have Web site, at least first page with some details
> > > would be nice. I guess, hosting on sourceforge gives us html version
> > > of web page only.
> >
> > Bernd can take this on his shoulders, I think. Bernd?
> Yes. I will set up naviserver the next days on a server already intended for
> the website. We could use www.servercult.com/naviserver or smth. like that as
> we have this domain already. But this is not so important as we can change it
> to whatever whenever we want.
> I'll keep you up to date. What texts do you think we need for the start (the
> first promotion)?
> - Vision/Mission
> - Background Info
> - Where to download/How to checkout
> - development guideline(s)
> - ...
> Bernd.


I hate to say so at this late stage, but would it be possible to keep
everything on Source Forge?  The nice thing about SF is that it's all
managed for us.  If a hard drive dies, we won't even notice.  Any one
of us can get busy/knocked over by a bus, without affecting any one
else.  We all allready have logins, and it's easy to add more, etc...

Vlad raises a good point: is SF limeted to static files only?  We get
PHP out of the box, a MySQL database, and a few hundred megs of
storage.  I believe they're open to adding more stuff if we need it.

Regarding the content, at this early stage we don't have a lot.  In my
ideal world we'd have a very focused front page with a message of why
naviserver is interesting.  Then we'd have a simple template we could
pour the other content into as we generate it.  I'm thinking about
something like these:


It's blog-template-like in style with a big splashy graphic, but it's
extremely direct: here's the product (often a screen shot), here's a
big ol' download button, here's a tag line and a description, we're at
version X.  Things like forum postings and press releases are not
bubbled up to the front page.

The idea is there are two groups of people you're interested in: those
who don't know who you are, and dedicated followers.  Your dedicated
followers will be subscribed to the mailing list and watch the bug
tracker.  The goal is to turn newbies into dedicated followers. 
Therefore, the front page is for impressing newbies.

Besides, designing the above is much more fun than designing a
portal-like page ;-)

Just MHO...

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