Am 02.02.2006 um 13:59 schrieb Andrew Piskorski:

Zoran, the boxes where you're tests show unexpectedly slow ns_malloc
were all Mac PowerPC boxes running OS-X, is that right?  If so, then
the common thread here is OS-X, no?  OS-X is known to be significantly
less efficient than Linux in some areas, this is probably one of them?

Oh no...

I had tested Linux and Solaris boxes as well.
I have 2 Solaris boxes: one with 1 cpu and one with 2 cpu's.
The same goes for Mac OSX.
Unfortunaltey, I have only 1cpu linux boxes to test...

What I saw is: 1cpu malloc better than ckalloc
               2cpu ckalloc better than malloc

regardless which OS.


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