> The response(s) so far were almost unisono: NO.
> Summary (rough):  We like Tcl and we are happy with
> C/Tcl server as-is now. There is no need for any
> alternative page-construction language (PHP, JS,
> whatever) because what we have is good (enough)
> and its fairly easy to learn Tcl anyway, so why
> bother with anyhing else?
> It is good to know where are we when thinking about
> evolvement of the server code for the next few years.

PHP is available, thanks to Vlad. We already use the latest version on a 
production system with NaviServer. We needed to integrate some PHP code from 
a customer and are happy to do it with NaviServer. You can evaluate code in 
both directions: PHP from within TCL/ADP pages and TCL from within PHP.
That's nice. (**)

I did not answer to your original mail because (a) I don't know if it would be 
the best strategical solution in your specific situation to let new 
candidates introduce an additional language you (and your colleagues) have to 
take care of and build knowledge, rather them learning the language the 
company is familiar with; and (b) if Server-Side Javascript is or becomes 
a 'Hype', worth enough to integrate.

That said, I never understood why every effort to introduce a new language to 
the webserver over the last years crashes everytime on the 
TCL-is-so-great-and-Hypes-come-and-go-firewall. I doubt one would need a 
level of integration and status TCL has with the server to see interesting 
combinations of the new possibilites and to attract more people to the 
server. What's so bad (besides working effort) to try, fail or succeed?


(**) Of course, the natural brother and sister are a forking Apache and PHP, 
so you don't run into threading issues some binary PHP extension might have.
On the production system we have modest requirements for the PHP interface we 
needed to integrate.

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