On 12/12/06, Zoran Vasiljevic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 12.12.2006, at 19:40, Stephen Deasey wrote:

> Tcl not being the fastest kid on the block, and folklore saying you
> should reboot your AOLserver/NaviServer once/day due to chronic memory
> fragmentation, it would be nice if these thousand node DOMs were
> constructed once, at compile time, with one of them thar fancy-pants
> 1970's macro systems...

Hm... this is important point....

1. memory fragmentation
2. pre-allocation of dom nodes.

Lets skip 2 for the moment. As 1. is affecting all users...

Yes, we do currently restart the server daily because of that
nasty fragmentation and memory eating. Which means there should
be some other options, i.e. other memory allocation techniques
we could use. By "we" I mean ourselves, as we are not that
focused on raw speed of the allocator. Speed-sensible things
we already do with custom C-code and take care about memory
ourselves. But general stuff like Tcl and 2. (above) still
hit us in the knee every day.

Does anybody happen to know a nice malloc replacement
for Win/Unix (Solaris, Linux, Mac OSX) that is fairly fast
for MT process, yet not that memory-hungry as the current

When I start the default tclsh on my Fedora Core 5 box it gobbles up
10MB of memory probing the stack to figure out the recursion limit.
The libtcl8.4.so is only 770k, whereas as libpython is 1.1MB, but a
running python shell is only ~ 2MB.  Tcl isn't very friendly to small
memory systems.

The default Tcl on my machine is also compiled with thread support, so
it uses the zippy allocator. Nathan says:

 The Tcl threaded allocator, which is derived from the original AOLserver
 "zippy" allocator, is optimized solely for lock avoidance, and this comes
 at the cost of memory foot print. In fact, there's no garbage collection for
 smaller allocations. Instead, memory moves between the shared and
 per-thread pools.

So Tcl isn't very friendly to long running processes, say, on the desktop.

We know it's not friendly to long running servers, the original
specialisation of the allocator, we have to keep rebooting them!

I'm wondering if times have changed and default OS allocators are
reasonable, at least for the average Tcl app. By default, does
threaded Tcl need a leaky, kinda-bloaty allocator?

The last time we talked about this someone mentioned the Sun papers
about their kernel slab allocator, and the newer one with per-thread
"magazines". They've also ported this to user space as libumem. It
would be cool if you could link against that and see how it works.

The thing I really like about libumem over hoard or tcmalloc is it's
wider interface. You can create memory pools and specify functions
which initialise, re-initialise, and destroy objects (as well as
plain-old malloc). If you think about it, that's exactly what the
Tcl_Obj allocator is doing -- it's a specialised allocator for one
particular type of object. The underlying memory allocator handles
thread-local pools for speed, the Obj allocator add initialisation and
cleanup caching (etc.).

But there are other places you want to do that, Ns_Conn structs for
example. A couple of versions back these were pre-allocated at start
up in a contiguous chunk
(Ns_Conn conns[maxconns]), and now they're allocated on demand and
pushed on a free list. The code is obfuscated, and there are probably
other places which would benefit from similar caching but no one's
taken them time to write the code.

The Sun guys make the nice observation that it's better to engineer a
really good general solution and use it widely.

Maybe this would work well for Tcl now?  Ditch the current zippy
allocator, add an interface for setting your own malloc/free etc.
functions, add a new interface for object pools modeled after Sun's
libumem. The default Tcl implementation of that would use the Tcl_Obj
stuff, but generalised. But you could build against umem, bypassing
that. Port libumem to Linux, BSD etc. seeing as it's now Open Source.

Suggesting work for other people is easy and fun!

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