On 13.12.2006, at 17:11, Vlad Seryakov wrote:

Tcl_Obj needs to be created, then deallocated.

which is a fairly quick operation as it mostly just
removes the object from the per-thread list and puts
it back on that list when done.

Tcl_OpenFileChannel and other we use are obsolete in the Tcl core
sources, internally, it creates String object and calls corresponding FS

I used them just to save myself repeating the same code
twice. And, after all, they are not obsolete. They are
perfectly OK.

This is overhead if the server needs to do a lot of file system
calls. It is useful in other cases, so i think making it an option is a
good thing.

I do not think that this is the problem, really. I mean, not the
creation or disposal of *that* objects. The problem, if any, is
in the Tcl_FS* calls which do quite a bit of "arithmetic" to
fiddle with the internal path reps and stuff. It is this part that
*may* hit you. Again, if you have a test-bed where you can tweak
things, we can isolate that couple of places (all are in fastpath.c)
and rewrite them for "regular" open/read/close and see if that makes
any change in the test (I doubt, but you never know).

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