On 16.12.2006, at 16:25, Stephen Deasey wrote:

The seem, in the end, to go for Google tcmalloc. It wasn't the
absolute fastest for their particular set of tests, but had
dramatically lower memory usage.

The down side of tcmalloc: only Linux port.

The nedmalloc does them all (win, solaris, linux, macosx) as
it is written in ANSI-C and designed to be portable.
I tested all our Unix boxes and was able to get it running
on all of them. And the integration is rather simple, just

 #include <nedmalloc.c>
 #define malloc  nedmalloc
 #define realloc nedrealloc
 #define free    nedfree

I believe this needs to be done in just one Tcl source file.
Trickier part: you need to call neddisablethreadcache(0)
at every thread exit.

The lower memory usage is important of course. Here I have
no experience yet.

Something to think about: does the nedmalloc test include allocating
memory in one thread and freeing it in another?  Apparently this is
tough for some allocators, such as Linux ptmalloc. Naviserver does

Are you sure? AFAIK, we just go down to Tcl_Alloc in Tcl library.
The allocator there will not allow you that. There were some discussions
on comp.lang.tcl about it (Jeff Hobbs knows better). As they (Tcl)
just "inherited" what aolserver had at that time (I believe V4.0)
the same what applies to AS applies to Tcl and indirectly to us.

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