On 16.12.2006, at 19:31, Vlad Seryakov wrote:

But if speed is not important to you, you can supply Tcl without zippy,
then no bloat, system is returned with reasonable speed, at least on
Linux, ptmalloc is not that bad

Eh... Vlad...

On the Mac the nedmalloc outperforms the standard allocator
about 25 - 30 times! The same with the zippy.
All tested with the supplied test program.
I yet have to get real app tested...

On other platforms (Linux, Solaris) yes, I can stay
with the standard allocator. As the matter of fact,
they are close to the nedmalloc +/- about 10-30%
(in favour of nedmalloc, except on Sun/sparc).

One shoe does not fit all, unfortunately...

What I absolutely do not understand is: WHY?
I mean, why I get 30 times difference!? It just
makes no sense, but it is really true.
I am absolutely confused :-((

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