On 15.12.2006, at 19:59, Vlad Seryakov wrote:

 Will try this one.

To aid you (and others):


Download and peek at README file. This compiles on all
machines I tested and works pretty fine in terms of speed.
I haven't tested the memory size nor have any idea about
fragmentation, but the speed is pretty good.

Just look what this does on the Mac Pro (http://www.apple.com/macpro)
which is currently the fastest Mac available:

   Testing standard allocator with 5 threads ...
   This allocator achieves 531241.923013ops/sec under 5 threads

   Testing Tcl allocator with 5 threads ...
   This allocator achieves 439181.119284ops/sec under 5 threads

   Testing nedmalloc with 5 threads ...
   This allocator achieves 4137423.021490ops/sec under 5 threads

nedmalloc allocator is 7.788209 times faster than standard

Tcl allocator is 0.826706 times faster than standard

nedmalloc is 9.420767 times faster than Tcl allocator

Hm... if I was not able to get same/similar results
on other Mac's, I'd say this is a cheat. But it isn't.


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