Am 16.01.2007 um 15:41 schrieb Stephen Deasey:

I suggest putting the 0.0.3 tarball up on sourceforge, announcing on
Freshmeat, and cross-posting on the aolserver list.  You really want
random people with their random workloads on random OS to beat on
this.  I don't know if the pool of people here is large enough for

I'm sure there's a lot of other people who would be interested in
this, if they knew about it.  Should probably cross-post here, for
example: - Why Do Programs Take Up So Much Memory?

The plan was to beat this beast first in the "family",
then go to the next village (aol-list) and then visit
the next town (tcl-core list), in that sequence.

You see, even we (i.e. Mike) noticed one glitch in the
test program that make Zippy look ridiculous on the Mac,
although it wasn't. So we now have enough experience
to go visit our neighbours and see what they'll say.
On positive feedback, the next is Tcl core list. There
I expect most fierce opposition to any change (which
is understandable, given the size of the group of
involved people and the kind of the change).


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