On 19.12.2006, at 16:35, Vlad Seryakov wrote:

yes, it crashes when number of threads are more than 1 with any size but
not all the time, sometimes i need to run it several times, looks like
it is random, some combination, not sure of what.

I guess we never got that high concurrency in Naviserver, i wonder if
AOL has randomm crashes.

Concurrency or not, I'm running it on a fastest mac
you can buy and tweak to 16 threads and increase loop
from 50000 to 500000 and get this:

(with nedmalloc)
Blitzer:~/nedmalloc_tcl root# time ./tcltest

real    0m2.036s
user    0m4.652s
sys     0m1.823s

(with standard malloc)
Blitzer:~/nedmalloc_tcl root# time ./tcltest
real    0m9.140s
user    0m17.319s
sys     0m17.397s

So that's about 4 times faster. I cannot reproduce
any crash, whatever I try.

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