There is also which offers a convenient visual way of 
browsing graph data.

You can also look at the old web-ui which had means of adding nodes and 
relationships and visually browsing the graph. Click on the little "graph" icon 
on the right.



Am 16.02.2014 um 18:40 schrieb Jean-Baptiste Gllpn <>:

> Hi Mark,
> thank you! Unfortunately I have zero background in development and coding. 
> Typing code would defeat the whole purpose of me using such a database in the 
> first place, since the objective is for me to be able to navigate and edit 
> the data visually and quickly (since it is only one of the several research 
> tools I have) to make more sense of it. I just discovered Keylines but I 
> assume it's too expensive for me. Is there an open source alternative to it?
> Many thanks again.
> Jean-Baptiste.
> On Sunday, February 16, 2014 9:39:05 AM UTC-5, Mark Needham wrote:
> Hi Jean,
> I haven't come across one but Neo4j's query language, cypher, is really easy 
> to learn - I reckon you should give it a try :D There's an online training 
> course here - - should only take you 
> a couple of hours to get the hang of.
> Mark
> On 15 February 2014 19:46, Jean-Baptiste Gllpn <> wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> thank you for your response! The reason I was asking was that I never used 
> code and a graphical interface would be much easier (and faster!) for me to 
> use. Has anyone developed a GUI similar to Neoeclipse?
> Best,
> Jean-Baptiste.
> On Saturday, February 15, 2014 5:47:35 AM UTC-5, Mark Needham wrote:
> Hi,
> Which version of Neo4j are you using? The reason I ask is because...
> > it's hard for me to find the node since I can't search for "Mr Jones" -- I 
> > need to either know his node number by heart or to visualize the 
> > whole network to find him.
> In Neo4j 2.0.x you could do this really easily. e.g. to create Mr Jones I 
> might write the following cypher query:
> CREATE (mrJones:Person {name: "Mr Jones"})
> And then to find him again I can write the following query:
> MATCH (p:Person {name: "Mr Jones"})
> And then I have Mr Jones! You can do all this using Neo4j browser (available 
> at http://localhost:7474/browser when you start Neo4j server). I think you'll 
> find that easier to use than Neoeclipse. 
> Hope that helps but let me know if not.
> Mark
> On 14 February 2014 22:31, Jean-Baptiste Gllpn <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm a Sociology PhD student. I recently found out about Neo4j and I'm excited 
> about its possibilities.
> I'd like to use Neo4j to manually build a database of a political elite in a 
> country. I'd build that database as I read about the country, writing down 
> new names as they come up and linking individuals as I read about their 
> particular patterns of interaction.
> To do that, I would need an interface that allows me to visualize and input 
> data rapidly in the network, as well as search between various attributes of 
> nodes. The basic admin dashboard in Neo4j doesn't allow me to do this 
> quickly, as I can only search for node and relationship numbers, but not 
> their attributes.
> Let's say I create a node with the attribute "Name" as "Mr Jones", and he 
> gets the node number 121. Later on I find details about where he worked or 
> studied. I want to add these new attributes to the node, but it's hard for me 
> to find the node since I can't search for "Mr Jones" -- I need to either know 
> his node number by heart or to visualize the whole network to find him.
> Is there an interface / program that will allow me to interact easily with 
> Neo4j as admin? I tried Neoeclipse, but for some reason only the 
> relationships are loading, not the nodes, and I can't figure out how to load 
> the nodes or whether Neoeclipse is the right choice at all (it doesn't seem 
> to be updated anymore?).
> Many thanks in advance for your help!
> Jean-Baptiste.
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