Well thanks a lot for the suggestion. It is amazing how much you can simplify processes with matching or suitable numbers.

threeneurons schrieb:
 - Just to save a bit of time on all those floating point

Why fart with all this floating point calculating stuff. That's just a
lot of extra code libraries, and way more execution time. I know, in
this particular app, it really doesn't matter, but in the old days, we
did it differently.

It is always good to know the old ways. When there are new technical innovations, people tend to get light-headed and often waste resources.


Here's a table of some values:

Input.  ./128  ...N..  .20xN  ../64
====  ==== ====  ====  ====
320V  2.50V 1024   20480  320
300V  2.24V  960   19200   300
180V  1.41V  576   11520   180
100V  0.78V  320   6400...  100

Magic, how that works out !

Yep, it is quite nice. But I think there is one problem, see, in case 2.5V are on the ADC pin this would not generate a 1024 but a 1023, resulting in 20 * 1023 / 64 = 219.7V, but with an integer that becomes 219V.

Note: all the values are less than 32767, so you don't need to worry
about all that signed/unsigned crap.

If you don't want to go out and buy those two resistors, you can get
the same ratio using a fixed resistor and a trim pot. Multi-turn
preferred. I bet you have something that will make that 128:1 ratio in
your junk box.

Hmm I will check it on the weekend, but I seriously need to re-stock on some resistors :-)

Sadly my electronics store (www.reichelt.de) does not stock 10M resistors at .1%, only 1%, as do all other suppliers I checked. So I should probably go for a 10M 1% and adjust the lower part with some 95K and a 10K multi turn pot, right?

Thanks again,

Many thanks again,

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