> I will need three 74HC595s if I go this route (6xABCD, 8 registers per 595 
> IC).  The techniques I had come across on the Arduino consisted of serially 
> feed bits to the 595 until all 8 registers per chip were full.  It would seem 
> like I need to send 24 bits each second as the clock ticks.  The fact that I 
> have to do this serially one bit at a time seems like a pain in the neck.  Am 
> I missing something (I'm sure I probably am) in terms of being able to set 
> all 24 in parallel?

It's a pain for the microprocessor, but so what?  It shouldn't take it long to 
shift out 24 bits, even at a low clock rate.
A modern 74HC595 can accept data at a whopping 100MHz.  At that speed, it would 
take a quarter of a microsecond
to send 24 bits.  However, with an ordinary microcontroller, you aren't likely 
to be sending bits that fast.  But you aren't
going to have to worry about outrunning your shift registers, that's for sure!

Hey, David - I think your nixie watch runs its CPU at 8kHz - how long does it 
take to shift out the 20 or so bits it uses to talk
to its two nixie tube drivers?  I'm guessing less than 1/20 of a second.

You don't have to worry about your digits flickering wildly while the registers 
are being updated.  In fact, it can be a
cool effect and help avoid cathode poisoning if you wanted to intentionally 
clock your data slowly enough to be seen,
and strobe your latches with the clock signal.  If you want to make the update 
process completely invisible, just wait
until you've sent all 24 bits and then strobe the latches to update the 

The code to shift out 24 bits is not very complicated - just call the 8-bit 
version, once each for 3 bytes of data.  You
could even arrange the bytes sequentially in RAM and iterate through them.

Some clocks (like B7971 clocks with individually addressible 16-segment tubes, 
or VFD clocks with dozens of
separate segments) shift out hundreds of bits every second or even more 
frequently.  Yeah, the processor is
doing a lot of work, but so what?  It's not like your clock CPU is doing 
protein folding with its spare cycles.

It only starts to matter when you're really trying to conserve power, and I 
don't think that's a logical goal when using
six direct drive tubes with six power-hungry TTL driver chips.

Alternatively, you could drive the shift register chips individually - run one 
I/O pin to all three data inputs, and use
three I/O pins for the clocks - one to each shift register.  That way, you 
could choose which chip to update, and
you'd still only need four I/O pins.  Normally this is done by paralleling both 
the clock and data input inputs, and
using a chip select or enable input to specifiy which chip you want to talk to, 
but the 74HC595 doesn't have a
chip select input, so you'd have to implement that yourself by gating the clock 
inputs, and using more I/O pins.

> I'm hoping someone with more experience using arduinos and shift registers 
> could provide some insights / tips.  I'm also open to hearing about how to 
> use these from a uC agnostic perspective if noone on list is doing this with 
> arduinos, but some code snippets would be ideal from the arduino perspective.

While I've worked with several different microcontrollers over the years, and 
mostly use AVR these days, you're right -
the concepts aren't processor specific.  Some microcontrollers have hardware 
support for sending serial data in various
formats, but as long as you can individually control two I/O pins, you can talk 
to all sorts of things.  Getting the data
transmission to work at all can be annoying, but once it works, it tends to be 
extremely reliable, and you can safely
hide the details in a subroutine you simply call whenever you want to send 

I've used a 36-bit DSP chip with no concept of bytes or bits, just its weird 
36-bit words, to implement the Dallas
"1 wire" serial protocol.  It was kind of hairy to do, but it worked.

In short, I'd just send all 24 bits once every second, updating all six driver 
chips.  If there's a transmission glitch, one
digit will be wrong, but since all digits are updated every second, it won't be 
wrong for more than that second.  If
you're getting frequent glitches, there's probably something wrong with the 
wiring or the code talking to the shift registers.

> Thanks,
> Dylan
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